September 5, 2023

Registration for CASB's 83rd Annual Convention is OPEN!

Join CASB members for our 83rd Annual Convention. We have a great schedule in place that will give you time to learn, network, and engage with school board members and education experts from across the state and beyond.


CASB Board Trainings

CASB has updated its Board Training topics for interested boards. CASB offers training in the following areas:

  • Community Engagement
  • Effective Boards and Board Member Offerings
  • Developing and Adopting Policy
  • Policy Governance©
  • Board Candidate Training
  • Students and the First Amendment
  • Working with Your Board Attorney
  • Working with Your Superintendent Offerings
  • Board of Education Meetings: Best Practices Offerings

REGISTER for the
2023 CASB Fall Conference &
Delegate Assembly

Our Fall Conference focuses on a specific topic of importance to board members each year culminating in a Saturday Delegate Assembly. Join your colleagues for a time of networking, learning, and meeting exhibitors that are here to support your district efforts.

Voting Delegates for 2023 Delegate Assembly

It is now time to select your district's voting delegate (and alternates) for the 2023 Delegate Assembly. Every district is allowed to have ONE voting delegate to participate in the assembly (either in-person or virtually). We are implementing a new remote voting system this year, so we must insist on strict deadlines and will need your assistance in submitting this form by September 12, 2023 by 5 p.m. Voting delegates should be voted on/selected by your district's Board of Education.

If for any reason delegates are selected or reported after this deadline, districts will have to submit a proposal to the CASB Board of Directors for appeal to be reviewed on September 22. We appreciate your assistance to complete the delegate form before the September 12 deadline. Please let us know if you have questions or special circumstances.



Virtual Voting for Delegate Assembly

For the first time, virtual voting will be offered to members for the 2023 Delegate Assembly in a trial run. This option will be open to voting delegates who wish to attend the assembly on October 7 virtually. Pricing for this option will be $25 per person to help with the cost of the voting software. When filling out the form you must use the information for the district's official voting delegate. Each district is allowed to have one voting delegate.

Following your completion of the registration form you will receive a Zoom link for the Delegate Assembly. More information regarding the virtual voting software will be sent out in a few weeks. CASB will be hosting a webinar to go over the voting software and answer any questions. Virtual attendees are required to attend this webinar.

At the Delegate Assembly, Legislative Resolutions will be debated and voted upon. The work of the CASB Bylaws Review Task Force will be presented at the Fall Conference portion on October 6. They will NOT be discussed or debated at the Delegate Assembly but WILL be discussed and debated at the December Convention/Business Meeting.


CASB Connections Podcasts

NEW! Creating Your District's Legislative Platform

Join CASB's Communications Specialist, Bryce Reedy, and CASB Board of Directors Member and Englewood School District Board Member, Caty Husbands, as Caty leads you through the steps in creating your legislative platform. This isn't a quick process, but Caty will get you started on the very necessary path of grounding your district in their legislative priorities at the state and federal level.


Colorado Association of School Boards

2253 S. Oneida St., Suite 300

Denver, CO 80224
