CASB Advocacy Podcasts for CASB Members!
Through the lens of school board development, join CASB staff, members and guests as they explore public education topics in order to connect with members in their leadership development journey.
All of this programming is available for free; just install an app on your phone and download the shows you want to hear. You can listen to the podcasts on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Advocacy Series:
Episode 13 - Creating Your District's Legislative Platform (22 min)
Join CASB's Communications Specialist, Bryce Reedy, and CASB Board of Directors Member and Englewood School District Board Member, Caty Husbands, as Caty leads you through the steps in creating your legislative platform. This isn't a quick process, but Caty will get you started on the very necessary path of grounding your district in their legislative priorities at the state and federal level.
9 Steps to Effectively Advocate for Public Education
Episode 12 - Proposition HH (26 min)
Join Tracie Rainey, Executive Director at the Colorado School Finance Project, Matt Cook, CASB's Director of Public Policy & Advocacy, Leslie Bogar, CASB's Director of Professional Learning, and Bryce Reedy, CASB's Communications Specialist, as they dive into Proposition HH and everything that goes along with it. Below you will find the resources discussed in the podcast:
"Use our calculator to determine what your new property tax bill would be under the Colorado legislature’s relief plan"- Jesse Paul, Colorado Sun, May 3, 2023.
"What the 10-year Colorado property tax proposal would mean for you"- Andrew Kenney, CPR, May 4, 2023
Property Tax Talking Points Background Information
Episode 11 - Rural Advocacy from the Larger School District Dias (36 min)
Join Leslie Bogar, CASB's Director of Professional Learning, Lindley McCrary, CASB's President-Elect, and Brian Ewert, Littleton Public Schools Superintendent, as they discuss rural advocacy from the larger school district dias.
Episode 10 - Colorado Legislative Basics (18 min)
If you're unfamiliar with how the Colorado legislative session works, don't know quite how a bill becomes a law, need a refresher on some of the terms used during the process, and are unaware of a few of our Colorado state symbols, this podcast will help.
Discussion Guide: Colorado Legislative Basics
Episode 9 - The Role of an Advocate with Phil Virden (39 min)
Rural advocacy requires commitment, perseverance, and gumption, which are also necessary characteristics for all school board members. Join Phil Virden, Former CASB Board of Directors President and current Board President for the Hinsdale School District as he shares wisdom in regard to establishing human-to-human relationships in order to move your advocacy efforts forward.
Episode 8 - The Role of an Advocate with Kathy Plomer (15 min)
The role of an advocate is built upon establishing relationships first and foremost. Adams 12 board president, Kathy Plomer, shares her insights into advocacy based upon years of experience as an advocate for public education. You'll hear why you don't have to be an expert on every single issue in order to be a great advocate.
Episode 7 - The Role of an Advocate with Jan Tanner (9 min)
As a school board member you are an advocate for public education and students in your district. Former Colorado Association of School Boards Board President, Jan Tanner, shares insights and practices that will help you in your advocacy role.
Episode 6 - Amendment B: The Gallagher Repeal Unpacked (34 min)
Join Lisa Weil, Executive Director for Great Education Colorado, and Matt Cook, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy for the Colorado Association of School Boards, as they discuss the Gallagher Amendment and why a repeal is the best way to go for Colorado public education.
Episode 4 - 2020 Colorado Legislative Session Update (18 min)
As a public K12 advocate, do you know what's going on in our state capitol during the legislative session? Matt Cook, CASB Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, will give you the low down on the top bills that have hit the floor in the first week of the 2020 legislative session.
Interview with Matt Cook, CASB Director of Public Policy and Advocacy
2020 Legislative Session Bill Tracker
Episode 3 - 2019 CASB Legislative Resolutions (28 min)
Listen to the results of the Colorado Association of School Board's 2019 Delegate Assembly. Out of 50 resolutions brought to the floor by Colorado school districts, the delegates passed 41 along with CASB's nine standing resolutions. This is democracy in action and CASB will take these to the 2020 Legislative Assembly this January.
Episode 2 - Advocacy 101 (42 min)
As a public school board member, you have a role as an advocate for your schools, students and community. As an elected official, you are a peer with other elected officials in your state including legislators and even your governor. Matt shares tips and tools that will help you gain strength as an advocate and build relationships that last and work for your school district.
Interview with Matt Cook, CASB Director of Advocacy and Public Policy
Discussion Guide: Advocacy 101
Episode 1 - The Role of the School Board Delegate and Resolutions (30 min)
Do you have a desire to serve as the delegate for your school board? It's not as daunting as it sounds. Matt Cook, CASB's Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, shares details on the delegate's role and responsibilities, the crafting of resolutions and what goes on at the CASB Delegate Assembly. This is democracy at its best!
Interview with Matt Cook, CASB Director of Advocacy and Public Policy
Discussion Guide: The Role of the School Board Delegate and Resolutions