Professional Development Update
October 24, 2019
What's in this update
Help promote the Student Leadership Strand for the 79th Annual CASB Convention
The 79th Annual CASB Convention: Creating a Vision for Colorado — The Challenge of Change is the annual gathering of more than 1,000 school leaders from across the state. In addition to school board members, superintendents, and other education leaders, the event includes students focused on leadership development.
The goal of the 2019 Student Leadership Strand is to build our student leaders' capacity to activate their voices and increase their agency in order to lead change for increasing equity, safety, and opportunity for all students in their schools and communities. Throughout the two-day Strand, student leaders will collaborate with facilitation from peers to increase their individual leadership skills through examination and discussion on the power of agency and they will develop strategies and action plans to initiate positive cultural change in their schools and communities.
During the Strand, students will develop competencies in:
- collaboration and communication
- empathy building
- activation of student voice and agency
- action planning
- leadership for change
The desired outcomes are that Colorado student leaders begin to adopt the beliefs and practices embraced by leading problem solvers and innovators the world over. Student leaders will prototype solutions to real and relevant problems facing schools and communities and develop strategies to take action for change.
Student Art Exhibit deadline for artwork is Friday, October 31
Student art will be displayed at The Broadmoor Hotel
, Broadmoor Event Center, Friday, December 6: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
and Saturday, December 7: 8 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
CASB is accepting three pieces of art from each school district - one elementary, one middle and one high school piece. The artwork must be two-dimensional, matted, with velcro attached to the back for hanging. One Blue Ribbon will be awarded for each category: elementary, middle and high school and honorable mentions to be determined. The Blue Ribbon winners will be invited to attend the Friday Awards Luncheon with a parent or guardian to be presented with their award.
Art must reach CASB by Thursday, October 31, 2019.
Convention off-site room block pricing ends soon
We look forward to seeing you at the 79th Annual CASB Convention: Creating a Vision for Colorado — The Challenge of Change. For attendees who are staying off-site, we have negotiated reduced prices for hotels. The two options include:
CASB Fall Delegate Assembly Conference materials now available
Last week was the 2019 CASB Fall Delegate Assembly in Breckenridge. Over 130 CASB school board members and education leaders attended the event. As a CASB member, you have access to the presentations, handouts, and resources from the conference as they are posted on our website. Please make sure you log in to access this information (instructions available here).
The website also includes a link to the final 2019 Resolutions Book based on the results of Saturday's Delegate Assembly.
Legislation Summary of 2019 bills
This new member-only resource summarizes all the education-related bills from the 2019 legislative session. This valuable document provides the bill sponsors and summary of each bill, along with an assessment of whether CASB sample school board policies or regulations may be affected by the bill. In addition, it summarizes whether there is action required by the Colorado Department of Education or the Colorado State Board of Education. A special thank you to our partners who helped craft this document — Colorado Department of Education (CDE), Colorado Association of School Executives, and the Colorado Rural Schools Alliance.
Proposition CC resources for school boards
If you haven't had a chance to review the resources available on the CASB Proposition CC website page, you will find:
- Ballot language
- Link to the Blue Book
- Sample resolution in support of Prop CC for school boards (English and Spanish)
- Vote YES on Prop CC website
- Vote NO on Prop CC website
- District Fact Sheets
- English
- Spanish
- Arabic
- Vietnamese
- French
- Legal resources and a Do's and Don'ts document
Fact sheets are being translated into additional languages that will be added in the near future.