Professional Development Update

August 9, 2019

What's in this update

Meet the new CASB Executive Director at the upcoming Fall Regionals

Cheri Wrench began her tenure as the next executive director of CASB last month. She has been busy meeting with members, staff and the education community during her first month and is looking forward to meeting with membership at the upcoming Fall Regional meetings. These meetings will provide a great opportunity for you to connect with Cheri and share your local board's input on CASB's programs and services. 

All 178 school districts in Colorado are members of CASB. As a nonprofit membership organization that helps school board members in Colorado connect and share ideas while promoting the interests and welfare of Colorado students, your voice matters in determining the direction of your association. CASB is guided and governed by a 22-member board of directors, comprised of local school board members representing 12 CASB regions across the state. 

Cheri will talk with boards at the upcoming meetings about CASB services, information and training programs to support school board members as they govern their local districts.

CASB members will be treated to a great meal at each location while they collaborate with colleagues from neighboring districts.  

View agenda
Learn more about the 2019 CASB Fall Regionals

Delegate Assembly Conference will set CASB's legislative agenda for 2020

The Delegate Assembly is an important gathering for CASB and school districts across our state. This is when CASB members get together to define our legislative agenda and ensure that our advocacy efforts reflect members' values for the upcoming legislative session. The Legislative Resolutions Committee is soliciting resolutions for consideration (see below) at this year's Delegate Assembly on October 19 in Breckenridge. 

Join Matt Cook, CASB director of public policy, and the Legislative Resolutions Committee in this vital role of adopting CASB's advocacy platform at the upcoming Delegate Assembly. To learn more about this process, make sure to listen to the CASB Connections podcast on The Role of the School Board Delegate and Resolutions.

Don't miss out on the full-day conference as well as it takes place on October 18 and features opening keynote speaker, Lieutenant Colonel Jason O. Harris, who will address the importance of mutual trust and cultivating an environment of trust where talent has the ability to flourish within boards and their relationships. As a decorated combat veteran, Jason brings a unique perspective gained from his battlefield experience and sheds light on how the invaluable talent each person brings to your board and district can positively impact your mission and vision.

Learn more about the 2019 Delegate Assembly Conference


Resolutions are due Friday, August 30, 2019

Our members play a critical role in advocacy and helping determine CASB’s legislative platform and priorities. Each summer, we issue a Call for Resolutions request to every member school board as an opportunity to provide input on public education issues for the next legislative session. CASB compiles the proposed resolutions, prepares research data and distributes the information to the Legislative Resolutions Committee below, which reviews resolutions and makes recommendations to the CASB Delegate Assembly. Additionally, the committee reviews legislative proposals, discusses issues and advises CASB staff of the issues school board members would like brought to the attention of the General Assembly.

The Call for Resolutions is now open through Friday, August 30, 2019. Don't forget to login to submit your resolution.

Submit your resolutions by August 30

CASB Connections podcast on The Role of the School Board Delegate and Resolutions 

Advocacy Series

Episode 1 - The Role of the School Board Delegate and Resolutions

Do you have a desire to serve as the delegate for your school board? It's not as daunting as it sounds. Matt Cook, CASB's Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, shares details on the delegate's role and responsibilities, the crafting of resolutions and what goes on at the CASB Delegate Assembly. This is democracy at its best! Interview with Matt Cook, CASB Director of Advocacy and Public Policy Host: Leslie Bogar, CASB Director of Professional Learning.

Discussion Guide: The Role of the School Board Delegate and Resolutions

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