
Call for Resolutions Deadline is Monday, August 30 for this Year's CASB Delegate Assembly

The CASB Fall Conference and Delegate Assembly is scheduled to be in-person on Friday, October 22, and Saturday, October 23, in Fort Collins. The Delegate Assembly provides an opportunity for every CASB member board to have their voice heard on important issues of the day. The resolutions approved by the CASB Delegates help to form the organization’s advocacy efforts at the local, state, and federal levels.

Now is the time for CASB members to develop their board’s resolutions for consideration by the full Delegate Assembly. The call for resolutions is closing this Monday, August 30!


Register Now for CASB's Annual Convention

The 81st Annual CASB Convention: Resilient, Ready, Relentless for Colorado Students is our signature event. As the largest gathering of school board members in the state, it provides a unique opportunity to learn, connect, grow, and gain inspiration.  Attendees hear from national speakers, focus on statewide education initiatives and directives, and have a chance to network and share experiences with other education leaders throughout the state. 

Visit the Convention FAQ page for answers to common questions regarding the event and the registration process.

We're Resilient, Ready, and Relentless in our pursuit of supporting you so that you can do your good work for our Colorado students!


Use CASB's Resources to Support School Board Candidates

To support Colorado's boards of education, CASB established the Built to Serve campaign to encourage effective and representative school boards that meet the challenges of the diverse districts they represent.

Check out CASB's website to access valuable tools, resources, and information to learn more about what a school board member does, how to become a candidate, recruiting candidates, and more! You can also sign up to learn more or to recommend someone that you think would make a great school board member.


New Resources to Support You

The one-time federal and state resources offer a promising and unprecedented opportunity to temporarily restore some of the lost state share of revenue, address pandemic-related challenges, and evolve in a way that maximizes the resources and supports available to students. In partnership with many other education organizations, we are launching a “Tell Your Story — Money Matters” campaign to help districts engage your community in this historic process.

School board members have always faced tough questions and divisive issues as they serve their communities. However, the strength of public division that many boards and district leaders are confronting right now is highly elevated, especially in regards to critical race theory (CRT). With this in mind, CASB is releasing several resources to support you in understanding what CRT is and isn’t, addressing common questions, and providing tips for leading difficult conversations in your community.


FREE WEBINAR on Monday, August 23 at 3:00 p.m. — What You Need to Know About the Mill Levy Correction

Join us for a timely discussion related to recently passed legislation to correct mill levies and the historical undercollection of local property taxes for education. As board members and education leaders it is important to understand this legislative and legal directive. At the end of this webinar, you will gain an understanding of:

  • The history and mechanics of local mills dedicated to funding your school district
  • Recent legislation focused on mill levy correction and the implementation of the legislation
  • What the mill levy correction means to your district
  • Answers to frequently asked questions and key messages to communicate with your local stakeholder

FREE WEBINAR on Thursday, August 26 at 6:00 p.m. — Policy Governance New School Year Checklist

The start of a new school year offers an opportunity to look ahead to what your Board wants to accomplish in the new year. It is important for all Boards to take some time to plan and focus, but it is especially important if your Board follows the Policy Governance model. Now is the time to plan, strategize and clarify goals for the year.

CASB staff invites you to join fellow Policy Governance boards as we help you create a checklist of items your Board needs to address for the new school year. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion during this interactive session. If you have specific questions please submit them ahead of time to Matt Cook ([email protected]) and we will make sure to address them.

While this information is targeted to Boards that follow the Policy Governance model all CASB members who might be interested are encouraged to attend. 


Fall Regionals are Right Around the Corner and Just in Time to Help You Kick Off a New School Year

Join CASB staff and your region colleagues to discuss topics pertinent to effective board governance and advocacy efforts. Getting together in-person this fall will facilitate your efforts to learn, listen, and collaborate with others.

2021 CASB Regional Meetings Program

4:30 p.m.    Breakout Sessions (choose one)

Leading Difficult Conversations in Your Community
Leslie Bogar, Director of Professional Learning & Events
Susan Meek, Director of Strategic Engagement & Communications

School board members have always faced tough questions and divisive issues as they serve their communities. However, the strength of public division that they confront right now is new to many school board members. Learn from your peers what issues they are addressing and gain valuable strategies for how to lead difficult conversations in your community.

Onboarding Best Practices for New Board Members
Matt Cook, CASB Director of Public Policy and Advocacy 
Cheri Wrench, CASB Executive Director 
The November election is around the corner and it is time to make sure you have plans in place to onboard your new school board members. Gain valuable tools and strategies for onboarding your newest board members in order to have the new team up-and-running as a cohesive unit. 

5:30 p.m.    Dinner

5:40 p.m.    Welcome & Introductions: The Year in Review
 John Wittler, CASB Board of Directors President
 Cheri Wrench, CASB Executive Director

6:00 p.m.    McGuffey Awards Presentation

The CASB McGuffey Awards honor unique board members who bring committed and passionate service to their board work. Help us honor and recognize the McGuffey Award recipients from your region!

6:15 p.m.    Creating High-quality Learning Experiences for Each and Every Student

Cheri Wrench, CASB Executive Director
Leslie Bogar, Director of Professional Learning & Events
The past sixteen months have been the most complex and challenging time for public schools and addressing the effects the pandemic has had on our children is a top priority for every school board. The one-time federal and state resources offer a promising and unprecedented opportunity to temporarily restore some of the lost state share of revenue, address pandemic-related challenges, and evolve in a way that maximizes the resources and supports available to students. How are you telling your district’s story so that your community is engaged in this historic process? Share with your peers and explore opportunities to strengthen the bonds with your local community, while building back stronger for each and every student.

7:00 p.m.    Legislative Preview & Resolutions
Matt Cook, CASB Director of Public Policy and Advocacy
The November election will be here before you know it and the ballot will include several questions for voters with far-reaching implications. As a community leader, you are a trusted messenger and a tremendous resource to others on issues that impact your school district and the larger community. Learn about the work of the Interim School Finance Committee, potential ballot measures on taxes, and other emerging topics. 

7:30 p.m.    Adjourn

Regions 8 and 10 will use a virtual format and the Region 5 meeting in Centennial is a lunch meeting from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.  Members are welcome to sign up for any meeting that works best for their schedule and learning preference.

Sign up today and block off this valuable time to meet with others and grow together in your board governance journey. 

Thank you to our Professional Development Update sponsor!


Colorado Association of School Boards

2253 S. Oneida St., Suite 300

Denver, CO 80224
