CASB board member responsibilities

The CASB board of directors is responsible for establishing CASB policies, as well as maintaining contact with other organizations whose work affects local boards of education. The board of directors hires the executive director conducts an annual evaluation of the executive director, and approves the annual budget. CASB directors serve as liaisons to other committees as appropriate. The liaisons to these committees are appointed by the CASB president.

The CASB Board's job is interesting, exciting and critical in making state-level decisions representing CASB regions. Below is a list of BOD responsibilities. Click here to view the full list of job responsibilities.

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  • Serve as liaisons between CASB and boards in each region, meeting and communicating with local boards about relevant issues and apprising the CASB staff and board of concerns and local boards’ needs.
  • Connect with members at CASB conferences and convention.


  • Attend in full and prepare for all board meetings.
  • Participate in discussions about issues while respecting other points of view.
  • Support the board’s decision once a decision is made.
  • Evaluate and follow up on board meeting outcomes. Monitor how board actions are being implemented in the short and long term. Bring up concerns with the board president, executive director or board of directors as appropriate.
  • Participate effectively in committees to which you attend on behalf of CASB.


  • Serve as vigorous advocates for CASB and local boards, locally and at state and regional levels, to promote the best interest and support the CASB mission.
  • Serve as CASB ambassadors, who are knowledgeable about CASB policies, goals, plans and services.