Early Childhood Colorado Framework feedback survey

The Early Childhood Leadership Commission seeks feedback on the Early Childhood Colorado Framework.

The survey is designed to gather ideas, feedback and insights from a broad range of early childhood stakeholders across the state to inform the revised framework. The overarching goal is to understand from various perspectives key aspects of the state’s early childhood framework that have been successful and areas where it may be improved.

Complete the survey by Tuesday, March 28. Participation in this survey is voluntary and responses will be used to inform revisions to the framework.

Email Sallie Strueby at [email protected] with any questions about survey participation.

Clean Air for Schools program

Applications for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Clean Air for Schools program are due by Friday, March 31.

The program is open to all public, private, charter, parochial, facility and Tribal K-12 schools.

CDPHE is partnering with Carrier West to distribute the air filters to schools. To learn more about the program visit CDPHE's Clear Air for Schools webpage.

Email any questions about the program to the CDPHE Clean Air for Schools team at [email protected].

Career Development Incentive Program and Matriculation Submission Intent to Participate forms due March 31

The Intent to Participate for the 2022-23 Career Development Incentive Program and Matriculation Data Submission is due by Friday, March 31.

Visit the Career Development Incentive Program webpage for application information.

2023 Teaching and Learning CoLabs

The dates and host sites for this summer's Teaching and Learning CoLabs are:

  • Thursday, June 1, in Grand Junction hosted by Colorado Mesa University.
  • Wednesday, June 14, in Greeley hosted by the University of Northern Colorado.
  • Date TBD in Pueblo hosted by CSU-Pueblo.

The Teaching and Learning CoLabs are one-day, multi-disciplinary regional PD developed in partnership with Colorado's higher education institutions, professional teaching organizations, and CDE. This year's content areas include English Language Acquisition, math, health, PE, science, computer science, social studies, visual and performing arts, and school leadership. Schools are encouraged to attend a CoLab in teams, with teachers representing multiple grades and content areas.

Apply for a Summer Food Service Program technology mini grant

Mini-grants are available for Summer Food Service Program sponsors who wish to purchase the technology necessary to run the Mobile Meal Counter App. Applications are due by Friday, April 14.

For more information on the Mobile Meal Counter App, visit the Meal Counter Resource webpage.

Facility Schools Board vacancies

Volunteers are being sought for seats on the Facility Schools Board. Seats are open for:

  • One person who represents state-level child placement agencies.
  • One person who represents county departments of social services.

The membership term is three years, and the board meets monthly. Board members serve without compensation, except for reasonable reimbursement of travel expenses. Applicants must include a resume and a cover letter/letter of interest by Wednesday, March 29. Application documents must be emailed to Judy Stirman at [email protected].

Comprehensive Health Education funding opportunity

An application information webinar for the Colorado Comprehensive Health Education Grant Application will be held at 2 p.m. on Monday, March 20.

Intent to apply forms are due by Friday, March 31.

 Applications are due Friday, April 28.

The Colorado Comprehensive Health Education Act provides approximately $300,000 for the 2023-24 school year with up to four years of funding. Local Education Providers are eligible to apply for up to $30,000 per year to develop and implement local comprehensive health education programs in grades PK-12.

For more information, visit the Colorado Comprehensive Health Education Grant Application 2023 webpage.

Colorado Electric School Bus Grant Program webinars

CDPHE Clean Fleet Enterprise invites interested stakeholders to join a series of informational webinars that will cover the upcoming Clean Fleet Vehicle and Technology Grant Program and the Colorado Electric School Bus Grant Program.

Interested parties can register for one of the dates listed below. All three date options will be the same presentation.

10:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 22

10:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 11

More information is available on the CDPHE Clean Fleet Enterprise webpage.

Leadership learning cohort opportunities for the 2023-24 school year

CDE will host the following learning cohorts for the 2023-24 school year:

  • Highly Mobile Youth Learning Cohort
  • Family School and Community Partnerships in High School Learning Cohort

Learning cohorts convene for three to six sessions so participants can share and observe practices and discuss strategies for implementation. Depending on the cohort sessions will be on Zoom and/or in-person. Learning cohorts are free to participants and may include implementation funding.

More cohorts will be added for the 2023-24 school year and updates will be posted to the Learning Cohort webpage. View the Learning Cohort webpage to apply and access specific information on each cohort.

Monthly Co-Literacy Conversations for Grades 4-12

The next virtual co-literacy conversation for leaders, teachers and other classroom practitioners who support literacy in grades four through 12 will be at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 23.

The conversations include a problem of practice, a presentation, breakout sessions with guided questions and additional resources to help educators and leaders implement evidence-based practices in their schools and districts.

Recordings from previous conversations and future topics can be found on the Reading, Writing and Communicating webpage.

Clean Air for Schools program

Applications for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Clean Air for Schools program are due by Friday, March 31.

The program is open to all public, private, charter, parochial, facility and Tribal K-12 schools.

CDPHE will hold a series of virtual question and answer sessions on Wednesdays, March 15 and 22, from 11:30 a.m. to noon. School staff can register via Zoom. Select the preferred date in the drop-down menu.

CDPHE is partnering with Carrier West to distribute the air filters to schools. To learn more about the program visit CDPHE's Clear Air for Schools webpage.

Email any questions about the program to the CDPHE Clean Air for Schools team at [email protected].

Epidemic and Communicable Disease Control rulemaking hearing and stakeholder feedback

The Division of Disease Control and Public Health Response presented proposed amendments to the Epidemic and Communicable Disease Control rule (6 CCR 1009-1) to the Board of Health on Feb. 15, and requested that the board set a rulemaking hearing for Wednesday, April 19.

Board meetings are open to the public and meeting documents are posted on the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment website. Use this form to provide feedback or ask questions outside of the formal rulemaking public comment forum by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 22.

If you have further questions about the rulemaking process, email Ariella Foss at [email protected].

Facility Schools Board vacancies

Volunteers are being sought for seats on the Facility Schools Board. Seats are open for:

  • One person who represents state-level child placement agencies.
  • One person who represents county departments of social services.

The term of membership is three years, and the board meets monthly. Members of the board serve without compensation, except for reasonable reimbursement of travel expenses. Applicants must include a resume and a cover letter/letter of interest by Wednesday, March 29. Application documents can be emailed to Judy Stirman at [email protected].

International Social-Emotional Learning Day

International Social-Emotional Learning Day is Friday, March 10. International SEL day highlights the importance of building relationships, self-awareness and empathy for others within our school communities. Research has established that the implementation of SEL programs can enhance students' academic achievement, reduce problem behaviors and improve other positive outcomes. Additionally, research shows that teachers who are comfortable implementing SEL are substantially less likely to experience stress related to student behavior and discipline, resulting in elevated teaching efficacy and job satisfaction.

For more information visit the SEL Day website.

School Code Change requests open

Districts and Local Education Authorities requesting a new school code, school name change, school grade change or a school closure are required to submit the corresponding School Change Request Forms on or before Friday, June 30, for changes to be in effect for the 2023-24 school year.

An application will not be considered complete until the form is signed by the superintendent or executive director and emailed to Jessica Tribbett at [email protected]. Approval cannot be guaranteed if a request is submitted after June 30.

For additional information visit the Year-Round Collections Directory webpage.

Brain Injury Awareness Month

It is estimated that in the US, over 2 million concussions occur each year in children under the age of 18. When schools have a Concussion Management Team, impacted students are supported early and can have quicker recoveries.

There are many free opportunities to educate yourself and school staff on how to support students who sustain a concussion.

School personnel can take an active role in supporting all students who are impacted.

Click Here for Additional Information.

Colorado Department of Higher Education added resources to help navigate CASFA and FAFSA

Visit the CASFA website for new resources to help navigate CASFA or FAFSA, including new CASFA advisor training resources. Visit the CAFSA webpage or visit CDHE's YouTube channel to access the training video.

The CASFA is the state financial aid application for undocumented, Colorado ASSET students. The CASFA bridges equity gaps and creates access to postsecondary education for Colorado ASSET students.

View the CDHE website for more information.

Early Childhood Leadership Commission monthly town hall

The Early Childhood Leadership Commission will host a town hall at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, to provide updates about the Department of Early Childhood and Universal Preschool Program implementation process.

Join via Zoom. Spanish language interpretation will be available.

Four Day School Week

The Annual Four-Day School Week application is open. School districts operating a four-day school week, fewer than 160 scheduled days per school year, are required to submit a request for approval each year.

To be considered for the 2023-24 school year, complete the application via the Directory in Data Pipeline by Wednesday, May 10. Districts requesting approval are not obligated to follow their proposed calendar if their local planning is not finalized.

Districts accredited with a Priority Improvement Plan or accredited with a Turnaround Plan submitting a district-wide application for all schools within the district must submit additional information to the Field Services and Support Office via a webform in addition to submitting the four-day application through Data Pipeline. CDE will review the additional materials for the use and prioritization of instructional time. The executive director of field services and the associate commissioner of school quality and support must recommend approval of the application before it is forwarded to the commissioner for consideration.

Visit the Year-Round Collections Directory webpage for additional information.

Clean Air for Schools program

Applications for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Clean Air for Schools program are due by Friday, March 31.

The program is open to all public, private, charter, parochial, facility and Tribal K-12 schools.

CDPHE will hold a series of virtual question and answer sessions on March 1, 8, 15 and 22, from 11:30 a.m. to noon. District and school staff can register via Zoom. Select the preferred date in the drop-down menu.

CDPHE is partnering with Carrier West to distribute the air filters to schools. To learn more about the program visit CDPHE's Clear Air for Schools webpage.

Email any questions about the program to the CDPHE Clean Air for Schools team at [email protected].