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The Scoop


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

** Action Item

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The Scoop


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

** Action Item

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CDE Update


April 30, 2021

For more information, contact:
[email protected]

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US ED Review



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CDE Update


April 29, 2021

For more information, contact:
[email protected]

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CASB Serving You, 23 April 2021

CASB Serving You!

Week of: April 23, 2021
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CASB believes that quality public education is the foundation for our nation’s economic prosperity, community’s quality of life, and every child’s opportunity to live their best life. The following are current events and opportunities for our members:


  • The Built to Serve campaign to help recruit school board candidates is up and running. Recommend someone who you think would be a great school board member and we will contact them and provide information on running for school board!
  • The next Board President Cafe is scheduled for May 13 and board presidents are welcome to sign up. The May 13 topic is: How do the responsibilities and role of the board president differ amongst districts? Register here
  • Please take a moment to share with us your thoughts on our Regional Meetings, Fall Conference and Delegate Assembly, and the 81st Annual CASB Convention — the event survey is open now.


  • The April 26 School Board Advocate is available on our website and covers the following topics:
    • Bills we are still anticipating to drop, but have not yet as of Apr 26:
      • Statewide Collective Bargaining
      • Marijuana Potency Rules
      • Early Childhood Education
    • HB21-1294 K-12 Education Accountability Performance Audit dropped and aligns with CASB resolution #1
    • Potential November ballot issues that have the potential of reducing tax revenues by as much as $1.5B collectively have received the green light to collect signatures:
      • Initiatives #30 and #31 would reduce Colorado personal and corporate income taxes to either 4.5% or 4.4% from the current rate of 4.55%.
      • Separate rulings from the Title Board granted title to initiatives  #26#27 and #28 which would reduce property taxes on Colorado residential and commercial property.
  • There are more than 85 education-related bills that would influence public education introduced so far this session. You can find all the details on CASB’s interactive bill graphic and bill tracker
  • CASB’s Key Legislative Priorities are on the website and available for sharing with members and asking them to connect with their Key Legislators. 


  • The 2021 Election resources are available to CASB members on our website.
  • Special Policy Updates are released on a quarterly basis and available on our website.



  • As reported in Chalkbeat, Colorado will be exempt this year from federal requirements that the state identify and intervene in schools where students aren’t meeting certain academic expectations.
  • April 30 is Decision Day — The Colorado Department of Higher Education honors the opportunities in all pathways, whether students attend a university, community college, private occupational school, an apprenticeship or serve in the military. You can learn more about Decision Day on the website
  • Teacher Appreciation Week is May 3 - 7. Colorado teachers have gone to extraordinary lengths to swiftly transition to supporting their students' learning at home. Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week is May 3-7, 2021 -— the perfect time for us to thank teachers for their tremendous dedication, creativity and problem solving during the pandemic. 
  • May is Mental Health Month — Mental Health America has released its May is Mental Health Month toolkit. This year’s toolkit focuses on the Tools 2 Thrive theme to provide strategies and tools to help us all move through the challenges faced during the last year and develop practices to help us thrive.

This mission of the Colorado Association of School Boards is to advance excellence in public education and equity for each and every student through effective leadership by the collective action of locally elected boards of education.

The Scoop


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

** Action Item

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CASB Serving You, 16Apr21

CASB Serving You!

Week of: April 16, 2021
PDF version

CASB believes that quality public education is the foundation for our nation’s economic prosperity, community’s quality of life, and every child’s opportunity to live their best life. The following are current events and opportunities for our members:

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The Scoop


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

** Action Item

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The Scoop


Wednesday, April 07, 2021

** Action Item

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CASB Serving You, 2Apr21

CASB Serving You!

Week of: April 2, 2021
PDF version

CASB believes that quality public education is the foundation for our nation’s economic prosperity, community’s quality of life, and every child’s opportunity to live their best life. The following are current events and opportunities for our members:

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The Scoop_31March2021


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

** Action Item

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CDE The Scoop_March 24, 2021


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

** Action Item

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CDE: The Scoop Newsletter


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

** Action Item

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CDE: The Scoop Newsletter


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

** Action Item

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Ed Review_5Feb2021

February 5, 2021

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NSBA Federal Insider Podcast

The South Carolina Supreme Court recently prevented South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster from using federal coronavirus relief aid from the CARES Act to provide tuition grants for private schools in SC. Joining the conversation around this topic is South Carolina School Boards Association Executive Director & CEO, Scott Price.


CDE Update

Nov. 30, 2020
For more information, contact:
[email protected]
Dear Superintendents and BOCES Executive Directors,

We hope you all had a restful and safe holiday break. 

In this special edition of the CDE Update, we've included a reminder that districts must notify teachers by tomorrow about the extended READ Act teacher training deadline.

Below there is also information about the updated COVID-19 cases and outbreak guidance from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and news about the postponement of 2021 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) assessments. Finally, we've included information about the Governor's Back-to-School Working Group.

Past editions of the CDE Update, and all COVID-19 special editions, are available on our website. Visit the COVID-19 Resources for Schools webpage for additional resources.

Skip to any of the following sections:



READ Act teacher training deadline extended; districts must notify teachers by Dec. 1
The State Board of Education granted a six-month extension for kindergarten through third-grade teachers to complete the training requirements in evidence-based reading instruction required by the READ Act. Teachers will now have until Jan. 31, 2022, to complete their training requirements.

The extension is contingent upon districts notifying all K-3 teachers of the requirement by Tuesday, Dec. 1. The department anticipates including an assurance that districts, BOCES, and charters schools have communicated the requirement as part of the annual READ data collection this spring.  Districts, BOCES and charters that do not meet the requirements will be ineligible for READ Act funds for the 2022-23 school year. 

Teachers have various avenues for completing the requirement, including a no-cost option provided by CDE.  

For more information about the training requirement, visit the CDE website, or contact Andreia Simon, in the the P-3 Office, at [email protected]

Public Health Guidance

Updated isolation guidance and decision tools for educators
CDPHE recently updated the decision-support tools for educators, to aid them in determining who needs to quarantine after an exposure in the classroom or school setting.

The update is based on outbreak data and stakeholder input and is expected to result in schools being able to maintain staffing and remain in-person to a greater extent. This update also standardizes the protocol no matter what phase a county is on the Colorado COVID-19 Dial.

For a list of detailed changes, visit the Archived Latest Updates: 2020-21 Planning Framework and Toolkit webpage.

For more information, visit the CDPHE guidance on cases and outbreaks webpage.


National Assessment of Education Progress postponed until 2022
NAEP grade four and eight mathematics and reading assessments have been postponed through the spring of 2022 due to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as decided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Commissioner, with support of the National Assessment Governing Board. 

Based on how NCES has approached sampling in the past, we expect that a new sample will be selected for 2022, meaning that schools selected for the reduced administration in 2021 may not be selected for 2022 and additional schools will be selected for the typical sized sample for 2022. 

The pandemic has presented a number of challenges that prevent a NAEP administration in the 2020-21 school year. Local restrictions on access to schools by outside personnel would reduce NAEP’s ability to validly, reliably, and safely collect and report NAEP data in 2021. In addition, the use of variable instructional models such as full-time online and hybrid instruction would have created administration challenges, such as requiring multiple sessions with smaller number of students within a school. Multiple NAEP administration sessions may create health and safety concerns for both testing proctors and students by increasing the risk of COVID-19 transition between NCES proctors and students, in part because the NAEP assessments are administered on NCES-provided devices. 

NCES continues to believe the exploration of educational experiences within the context of COVID-19 could be valuable to states and districts for the 2020-21 school year. NCES developed questions related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for inclusion in the school and teacher questionnaires, and is considering delivering them to teachers and administrators originally selected for the 2021 administration, despite the postponement of the NAEP assessments themselves. We will share more information on the questionnaires as it becomes available. 

Updates from Governor's Office

Back-to-school working group convened by governor
Gov. Polis recently announced the formation of a back-to-school working group to help plan the safe return of students to classrooms in January 2021.
The working group consists of teachers, other school staff, superintendents, elected school boards, charter school leaders, health officials and parents. The group will share perspectives and feedback with the governor, Commissioner of Education Katy Anthes and key public health leaders about school reopening.

The group held its first meeting on Nov. 25. For a list of group membership, read the governor's press release.

CDE Update

Colorado Department of Education 

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CDE The Scoop Newsletter


Wednesday, October 07, 2020

** Action Item

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