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Expelled and At-Risk Student Services Grant Application is due Friday, Sept. 2

The deadline to apply for the Expelled and At-Risk Student services grant program is Friday, Sept. 2.

The EARSS grant program Request for Application is available on the EARRS RFA webpage. The EARSS Grant awards will be for a six-month planning period followed by up to four years of implementation funding.

This grant will provide educational services to expelled students, students who are identified as at-risk expulsion or at-risk of dropping out of school due to chronic absenteeism.

Eligible applicants include school districts, charter schools, alternative schools within school districts, nonpublic schools, Boards of Cooperative Educational Services and facility schools. Nonpublic schools may apply for a grant only to fund educational services that have been approved by the state board pursuant to section 22-2-107.

An informational webinar is available on the EARSS RFA webpage.

State Review Panelists needed for 2022-23

Recruitment is ongoing to find experienced educators for the State Review Panel, which is assigned to evaluate schools and districts at the end of the Accountability Clock and provide recommendations to the State Board of Education on required actions when schools and districts fail to make progress.

Applicants with experience as a superintendent, those who have expertise in school or district turnaround, alternative education, English language learning and those who are biliterate in both Spanish and English are encouraged to apply. All applications are due by Monday, Aug. 29.

Visit the School Works website for more details and to apply.

CDE Accepting Feedback on Rule Amendments to the READ Act

Public comment is being accepted on the proposed changes for the rules of the Colorado READ Act, 1 CCR 301-92, which were noticed in July.

The rulemaking hearing is scheduled for the September State Board of Education meeting to incorporate statutory changes to the READ Act as a result of the passage of Senate Bill 22-004 and changes to the assessment advisory list.

Public comment can be provided by emailing [email protected].

View the Colorado State Board of Education website for more information on the public comment process.

2022 Edition of Promising Partnership Practices

The 2022 collection of Promising Partnership Practices is available online. The purpose of this publication is for schools, districts and other educational organizations in Colorado to highlight how they partner with families and the community for student success.

Visit the Family Engagement webpage to view the publication and gain new ideas about how to partner with families and the community.

Sign up to attend the 2022-23 SAC/DAC networking series

Starting Thursday, Aug. 25, CDE will offer a series of monthly virtual networking meetings for members of school accountability committees and district accountability committees. The meetings will include content from CDE, promising practices and an opportunity to network and learn from other committee members.

The meetings will be held from August through April at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month. Spanish translation will be available upon request.

To sign up and learn more visit the School and District Accountability Committee Networking series webpage.

I-Matter Mental Health Support Extended to June 2023

I Matter, funded by the Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Behavioral Health, provides up to six free behavioral health sessions for youth in Colorado.

Free materials are available for districts and schools to promote the behavioral health resource, including posters, rack cards, stickers, banners and lawn signs. All materials can be shipped at no charge. An expanded digital toolkit that includes sample social media posts is also available on the I Matter website.

The I Matter program has a statewide public awareness and outreach campaign that includes digital ads on platforms such as TikTok and Snapchat, and on-the-ground outreach to schools and youth organizations. Both the awareness campaign and the website were informed by youth feedback.

Additional supply chain assistance funds

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has allocated $12,480,738 in additional supply chain assistance funding to be distributed to interested school food authority sponsors in Colorado. CDE's School Nutrition Unit will follow up with each program's main contact and business contact listed in the most recent approved portal application with more details on next steps.

As a reminder, the guidance for sponsors document contains more information on allowable uses, coding and other frequently asked questions about these funds.

Applications for final round of the RISE Turnaround Grant are available

Gov. Polis recently announced that the final round of applications for the Response, Innovation, and Student Equity Fund is available for schools. This round is targeted toward serving students attending schools and districts in turnaround status. Previous rounds of RISE grants have supported innovation in high-needs school districts, charter schools, mobile education programs, and collaboration with higher education to improve student learning, close equity gaps and enhance operational efficiency for pre-K-12 through higher education.

The RISE fund was launched in 2020 to provide support to schools addressing the learning challenges related to the economic, social and health impacts of COVID-19. Gov. Polis announced the first two rounds of RISE grant recipients in November 2020 and January 2021 respectively. To learn more and apply, visit the Colorado RISE Turnaround Education Fund webpage.

Early childhood and K-12 educators can apply for loan forgiveness through the state

Early childhood and K-12 educators can apply for up to $5,000 in federal student loan forgiveness annually through the Early Childhood Education Educator or the Temp Educator Loan Forgiveness program. This second round of applications will be accepted until Thursday, Sept. 15. With limited funds, not all who apply will receive an award.

The ECE program for educators working with children from birth to age 5 is a partnership between the Office of Early Childhood and the Colorado Department of Higher Education. Application instructions and a checklist of information can be found on the ECE Educator Loan Forgiveness webpage. For questions, email [email protected].

View the Temporary Educator Loan Forgiveness Program webpage for information and to apply for the program for K-12 educators. Educators do not need to have received teaching education in the state of Colorado to qualify. For questions, please email [email protected].

Financial wellness support is available to state of Colorado loan forgiveness program applicants free of charge. The support includes help navigating the Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, counseling to find the best student loan repayment strategy and more. For a list of additional funding opportunities for in-service and aspiring educators, visit CDHE’s website.

Path4Ward Program Opens Application for Additional Pilot

The Path4Ward program, which is open for a second application period, provides scholarships to low-income high school students who graduate early to pay for postsecondary education and training programs, including college and workplace learning programs like internships or apprenticeships. One additional district or group of districts will be selected from the applicant pool by the Commission on Higher Education on Thursday, Dec. 1. Path4Ward has concluded its initial year of operation, with the five current pilots generating 57 eligible early graduates.

The application is online and consists of a short narrative section and preliminary data request.

CDHE will host an instructional webinar at noon on Friday, Sept. 2, to walk applicants through the program, application and selection process and reporting requirements. The webinar will be recorded and made available on the CDHE website. CDHE partners with Colorado Succeeds on Path4Ward, providing application and implementation support to interested schools and districts. For information about Colorado Suceeds, contact Erin Kerr at [email protected].

See the CDHE website for full details on the Path4Ward program, including an application walkthrough and scoring matrix.

Spring 2022 assessment and growth results released

The Colorado Department of Education today released the results from last spring’s assessments, including the Colorado Measures of Academic Success tests in English language arts and math as well as the PSAT and SAT. Results show improvements over the previous year, but there is still more work to be done to fully recover from the lost learning opportunities over the last couple of years. The state also released growth scores. View the news release on CDE's website.

New Accountability and Family Partnership contacts

If a district has changes to the identified Accountability or Family Partnerships contacts for the 2022-23 school year, superintendents should submit them as soon as possible using this form. This will authorize accountability contacts to receive information and updates related to accountability, including permission to access student-level data files.

CMAS/SAT growth and performance framework data released

The 2022 CMAS/SAT student growth detail files, CMAS individual student growth reports, along with other performance framework report data files have been released to District Accountability Contacts via Syncplicity. All 2022 growth and matriculation summary data will be incorporated within the Data Explorer tool and posted to the CDE website later this fall.

For questions related to Syncplicity, training support or the Colorado growth model, email [email protected].

2022 Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado Data Webinar

Join CDE staff at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 18, to discuss how to leverage the 2022 Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado survey data for continuous improvement, including interpretation, do's and don'ts, and protocols for team review.

The webinar will include an overview of resources, opportunities for technical assistance, and time to collaborate with peers. Visit the TLCC website to access the data for schools or districts that met reporting thresholds.

Register for the webinar via Zoom.

Apply for the Content Competency Stakeholder Group

CDE seeks participants from across the state to represent key stakeholders in the exploration of content competency options for initial licensure, pursuant to House Bill 22-1220.

Meetings will be held every other Friday beginning Aug. 26, and going through Oct. 28. Those interested should submit an application by Wednesday, Aug. 10. Selected members will be notified via email by Monday, Aug. 15.

Questions about the application process can be sent to [email protected].

K-3 teacher evidence-based reading documentation deadline is Monday

All kindergarten through third-grade educators who teach reading and literacy skills in Colorado should submit documentation that they complied with the K-3 evidence-based reading training requirements by Monday, Aug. 15.

View the K-3 Teacher Evidence-Based Reading Requirements webpage for details on how to submit documentation.

The 2022-23 READ Act Teacher Training Completion collection in Data Pipeline is open. The deadline to have files submitted to Data Pipeline is Wednesday, Aug. 31. View the READ Data Collection webpage for additional information.

K-3 teacher evidence-based reading documentation deadline is Monday

All kindergarten through third-grade educators who teach reading and literacy skills in Colorado should submit documentation that they complied with the K-3 evidence-based reading training requirements by Monday, Aug. 15.

View the K-3 Teacher Evidence-Based Reading Requirements webpage for details on how to submit documentation.

The 2022-23 READ Act Teacher Training Completion collection in Data Pipeline is open. The deadline to have files submitted to Data Pipeline is Wednesday, Aug. 31. View the READ Data Collection webpage for additional information.

Exceptional Student Services Unit to hold virtual listening sessions this fall

The Exceptional Student Services Unit will hold four virtual listening sessions this fall to help gain a better understanding of the needs of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color parents and families of students with exceptionalities.

The purpose of the listening sessions is to:

  • Gain families' perspectives of what is going well and what needs improvement in special and gifted education.
  • Build on what is going well and develop support to address identified needs.
  • Better understand the needs of Colorado’s BIPOC and bilingual families across the state to empower them to better support their child’s individual needs.
  • Form a partnership with Colorado’s BIPOC and bilingual families to meet their needs by providing them with targeted guidance and support.

All sessions will be held virtually:

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Comprehensive Support and Improvement Plan workshops

CDE is hosting four workshops for schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement. CDE staff will be available to answer questions and help with plans to meet requirements. This training is designed to support principals or the individuals writing the school-level plans, as well as the district personnel responsible for supporting the development of, review, and approval of the school Unified Improvement Plans.

Schools Identified for Low Graduation Rate
8 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 1

Schools Identified for Low Participation
12 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 1

Elementary and High schools Identified as Lowest 5%
8 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 8

K-2 Schools Identified as Lowest 5%
12 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 8

Information about the Affordable Connectivity Program

As part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the President and Congress created the Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides eligible households up to $30/month, or $75/month for households living on Tribal lands, toward their internet bills, as well as a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer or tablet.

All households with a child who was approved to receive free or reduced-price school meals under the National School Lunch Program or the School Breakfast Program within the last 12 months, including children who attend schools participating in the Community Eligibility Provision, are eligible for ACP benefits.

Families can check their eligibility, sign up and find fully covered plans at or by calling 877-384-2575. District leaders are encouraged to share this information with families in their community.