Mental Health America (MHA) is now accepting applications for our 2021-2022 Young Mental Health Leaders Council (YMHLC)!
Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund Community Stakeholder Engagement |
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and the State Board of Education need your input and perspective to ensure Colorado makes the most impactful use of federal funds the state will receive to support students, teachers and schools recovering from the interruption to our schools as a result of COVID-19.
CDE will be hosting these virtual meetings to share information about the federal funds the state will be receiving and to spend the majority of the time listening to attendees and learning from your experiences. We’ll explore questions in a variety of areas to hear directly from attendees about the pandemic’s impact on students and educators to inform the use of these one time federal funds.
The Early Childhood Leadership Commission (ECLC) is tasked with approving a plan to transition to the new agency, as well as to guide the state’s new universal preschool program. As part of this transition process, the ECLC will engage a wide range of stakeholders—including parents/families, members of the early childhood workforce, providers, school districts, human services leaders, and others—to ensure recommendations are representative of the unique and diverse voices across Colorado. You can learn more about these efforts here (Spanish version here).
You’re invited to participate in this important process by completing an online interest form in English or Spanish to share the perspective you would like to bring to the Transition Advisory Group or one of its Subgroups no later than June 21, 2021.
Help make sure employers voices are heard by getting the word out about Bridging the Talent Gap
To ensure Colorado has a skilled and educated workforce, it is crucial that the voice and needs of employers guide the development of lasting solutions for increasing attainment and addressing local skill shortages. Due to the importance of building talent development solutions that are industry-driven and data-informed, partners in the TalentFOUND network are leading efforts to administer the Bridging the Talent Gap employer survey. The survey is designed to understand the skills gaps Colorado businesses face and identify how education and training programs can help close those gaps.
Join CASB, CASE, CEA, CDE, PEBC, and the Rural Alliance for an educational summit that will allow school districts to bring together teams of administrators, teachers, and school board members for an in-person convening to learn about the latest in safety & health, mental health & social emotional learning, and accelerating learning. The event is FREE! Stay tuned for more details.
Colorado Legislative Council Services recently published the latest edition of its school finance booklet. The booklet explains how Colorado finances its public elementary and secondary schools, with a focus on the funding formula in state law. It also describes several other statutory provisions related to school district funding, including a description of revenue earmarked for specific functions, other local sources of revenue, categorical programs, and the Colorado Preschool Program.
May Is Mental Health Month Toolkit
Mental Health America has released its May is Mental Health Month toolkit. This year’s toolkit focuses on the Tools 2 Thrive theme to provide strategies and tools to help us all move through the challenges faced during the last year and develop practices to help us thrive.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Governor’s Office Press Secretary Shelby Wieman | [email protected]
So Every Student Thrives
Frank Valdez
Colorado Education Association
[email protected]
720-372-8888 Cell
Alexandria, Va. (December 22, 2020) - In response to the nomination of Dr. Miguel Cardona as Secretary of Education, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) and Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE) issued the following statements:
Anna Maria Chávez, Executive Director and CEO of the National School Boards Association (NSBA):
January 6, 2021
DENVER — Governor Jared Polis issued an official proclamation recognizing January as School Board Recognition Month. The proclamation reads in part, "school board members are extraordinary people who invest many hours of volunteer work to tackle the enormous job of governing our school districts and whose actions and decisions help impact the present and future lives of young Coloradans."
The 80th Annual Business Meeting for the Colorado Association of School Boards is today, December 3, at 3:00 p.m.
The Business Meeting will be held via Zoom and only Delegates may join the call. Just like the recent Delegate Assembly held through Zoom, it will be live streamed on the CASB website for CASB members who are not Delegates. CASB members can log into the website to view. For help with login, click here.