Our 84th Annual Convention Call for Presentations is OPEN!
Key Dates
April 17, 2024 - Call for Presentations Submission portal opens May 16, 2024 - Submission portal closes August 2024 - Notifications of session decisions and next steps
Submission Requirements

Session Formats
- Open discussion
- Panel
- Presentation with audience engagement
*See descriptions of formats document
Session Categories
Tips for Writing a Great Session Title and Description
Selection Process
CASB will evaluate the proposals based on the following criteria:
- How well the title, description, and learning objectives align with each other.
- How likely it is that the format and delivery methods selected will allow participants to achieve the stated learning objectives, including audience engagement appropriate to the objectives.
- Presenter(s)’ knowledge in the topic area.
- How likely conference participants will attend or recommend someone attend the session.
Presenter Agreement
Submission of a proposal does not guarantee selection. Notification of acceptance/rejection of proposals will be emailed by mid-August.
In submitting your proposal please include the following:
- Presenter(s) Resume or CV
- Presentation title
- Description of presentation
- Learning objectives
- Name of co-presenter(s) (no more than 4 allowed)
Please make sure to complete your proposal as incomplete proposals will not be reviewed. CASB reserves the right to revise session titles and descriptions.
Here are a few tips to help you navigate the system:
- Log into the CASB website with your username (email) and password. The form will save your information.
- If you leave the site before submitting, log back in, click on the Call for Presentations button, and continue to fill out the form.
- Click the Submit button.
- Once your form is submitted you WILL NOT be able to make changes.
- Multiple proposals are limited to two and you will need to re-enter your data.
- If you run into problems, contact Gabriella Wilson at [email protected].
Important Information:
- Honor the governance role of boards of education. Please familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of school board members. You can find a good amount of information at casb.org or in a google search.
- Include the voice of school board members. Partner with a school district that has experience with your session topic and ask them to co-present with you. We rarely choose session proposals that do not include a school board member or superintendent.
- Include attendee engagement and useful takeaways. Explain how you will incorporate opportunities for engagement, discussion, and useful takeaways for those in attendance.
- All presenters are required to register if they choose to attend the convention. If presenters choose not to attend the convention, there is no need to register.
Sponsorships are available for Breakout Session Content Tracks Convention sponsors and exhibitors may sponsor a breakout session content track in order to present information associated with education relevant to the work of the board. These presentations must align to the following selection criteria, in addition to criteria listed above:
- Presentation proposals must include school leaders if thee is a panel
- The focus of the session must be on a learning topic
- Presenters must agree to have their company or organization participate as a paid Trade Show Exhibitor or Convention Sponsor
CASB does not pay honorariums or stipends to presenters. CASB does not arrange or pay for transportation, parking, or provide hotel accommodations.
Our school boards represent small and large districts, urban, suburban, and rural districts.
Questions? Contact Gabriella Wilson, [email protected]