Know your role in the electoral process
Goal: You can effectively and appropriately participate in the election process which determines the decision makers.
Understand the boundaries of political activity.
- School district resources may not be used to promote or oppose political candidates or issues submitted to the voters.
- Your activities must be undertaken as an individual citizen. You may communicate your support for candidates or issues as an individual and inform voters on issues, but cannot directly tell stakeholders how to vote using public resources.
Actively participate in the electoral process as an individual.
- Inform yourself on candidates’ positions and voting records.
- Remember that money, time, and public support are vital to any campaign. Provide assistance to candidates you support through campaign contributions, yard signs, and other volunteer activities, like door-to-door campaigning. Contact the candidate or campaign staff to learn how to help.
- Recruit candidates supporting your positions for office or consider running yourself. School leaders bring valuable perspectives on public education to state and federal offices.
Have your district sponsor nonpartisan election activities to promote informed voting.
- Work with your county board of elections to promote voter registration materials in your schools and at school events.
- Use district publications and other communications to remind staff, parents, and stakeholders of deadlines for voter registration, early voting, and voting the day of the election.
- Host debates or candidate forums in schools that focus on education issues.
- Have booster clubs, political science classes, district or student publications, or district advocacy organizations submit questions to candidates and post responses in voter guides prior to the election.
- Encourage individual stakeholders to get involved in local campaigns for candidates supporting their interests in public education.