Know how to state your case
Goal: You and your district will develop specific recommendations and/or official positions on issues that will be decided by others at the local, state and federal levels.
- Most elected officials want to hear more from constituents and “regular citizens.” Speak on behalf of your constituents rather than a “special interest.”
- Discuss how the issue will affect your district as you see it; don’t worry about being an expert.
- If you want to provide testimony at legislative hearings, contact the committee chair’s assistant or secretary for the time, room, and rules. You can always contact CASB for assistance.
Office Meetings and Virtual Meetings
- Meet with your representatives when visiting as a private citizen or as part of organized activities. CASB holds an annual Winter Legislative Conference and lobby days. CASB also appoints members to its Legislative Resolutions Committee and NSBA’s Federal Relations Network.
- During session, legislators are extremely busy; appointments may be brief. Congress is worse; you typically only meet with staff.
- Have an agenda to discuss and keep the conversation on your district issues.
- Bring written materials to leave with them.

Meetings in Your District or Community
- In meetings with legislators or members of Congress prior to the session, schedule time to present your issues and the impact of proposed legislation on your district. Allow legislators to discuss their own priorities, but make sure to question them on their views on school district concerns.
- Watch the CASB Breakout Session on Developing Your District's Action Plan for Advocacy and create your own legislative platform to present.
Listening Tours, Public Forums, and Town Halls
- CASB can help with scheduling, format, background information and other issues.
- CASB’s Town Hall Tips document is available to support you. Contact us for more information.