Read supplemental CASB materials, podcasts, webinars, and the In the News Feed. Stay informed from other organizations, news services and the media you use and trust.
Sign up to receive communications from your elected officials. Listen to their messages and provide information and reaction to support or challenge what they say.
Each board of education should designate a member as a legislative liaison to take the lead in board advocacy activities.
Include a regular item on your board meeting agenda to review current state and federal issues and discuss their impact on the district and the board’s response.
District administration should receive information from state agencies such as the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and should prepare regular reports to the board and community.
Respond to CASB calls to action and requests for information.
Encourage public comments at board meetings, hearings and community listening events at schools and other locations in your district.
Provide structured opportunities for the public to listen and speak on key issues. This could include holding public forums on specific public and legislative issues concerning your district.