School Board Recognition Month Sample Content
Sample Proclamation
Ask your mayor, city council, or county official to proclaim January as School Board Recognition Month in your community. Publicize this action with a news release and in your district’s newsletter.
WHEREAS, School board members are elected to sit in trust for their diverse communities, and in that capacity are charged with meeting the community’s expectations and aspirations for the public education of their students; and
WHEREAS, School board members are entrusted with the guardianship and wise expenditure of scarce tax dollars, and they are responsible for maintaining and preserving the buildings, grounds and other areas of the school district that the community has put in their trust; and
WHEREAS, School board members are responsible for providing leadership that ensures a clear, shared vision of public education for their schools, that sets high standards for the education of all students, and requires the effective and efficient operation of their districts; and
WHEREAS, School board members adopt policies to give voice to that leadership and employ a superintendent to administer board policy, and are also responsible for the regular monitoring of the district’s performance and compliance with policies; and
WHEREAS, the board members elected to school board positions deserve recognition and thanks for their countless hours of volunteer service to public education and the students of our state.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, ______________________________, do hereby declare my appreciation to the members of the _____________________ School Board and proclaim the month of January 2024, as
SCHOOL BOARD RECOGNITION MONTH in _______________________. I urge all citizens to join me in recognizing the dedication and hard work of local school board members and in working with them to mold an education system that meets the needs of both today’s and tomorrow’s students.
IN OFFICIAL RECOGNITION WHEREOF, I hereby affix my signature this _______________ day of _______________________, 2024.
Sample News Release
This sample news release may be modified and personalized for your school district. Once adapted for your district, place it on district letterhead and submit it to your local newspapers, radio, and television stations. You may also want to send it to the Chamber of Commerce newsletter editor and the newsletter editors for other community organizations. Be sure to add information about special recognition you’re planning for your district’s school board members. (Source: Oregon School Boards Association)
(Date) (Contact person, phone number and email address)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Community celebrates ‘School Board Recognition Month’
The (school district’s name) School District will join the other 178 school districts throughout Colorado in celebrating January as School Board Recognition Month.
“Our school board members spend countless hours of unpaid time working to provide the best possible education for our students,” said district Superintendent (first and last name). “They also serve as the corporate board of directors for one of our community’s largest employers. Celebrating School Board Recognition Month is one way to say thanks for all they do.”
"School board members represent their fellow citizens’ views and priorities in the complex enterprise of maintaining and running the community’s public schools," (superintendent’s last name) said. "They also reinforce the principle of local control over public education, which is an important, highly valued aspect of education in Colorado."
“Too often the efforts of school board members go unrecognized,” (superintendent’s last name) said.
The school board’s main goal, is to support student achievement, (superintendent’s last name) added. To achieve that goal, the board focuses on the following needs:
- Creating a vision for what parents and citizens want their school district to become and how to make student achievement the top priority
- Setting standards for what students must learn and be able to do
- Assessing whether schools achieve their goals, and whether students are learning
- Accounting for the outcomes of decisions and by tracking progress and reporting results
- Aligning the use of the district’s human and financial resources
- Creating a safe and orderly climate where students can learn and teachers can teach
- Collaborating to solve common problems and to support common successes
- Focusing on continuous improvement by questioning, examining, revising, refining and revisiting issues related to student achievement.
(Add a paragraph or two describing the special ways you will recognize your school board members during School Board Recognition Month.)
“Even though we are making a special effort during January to show appreciation for our school board members, we recognize their contributions reflect a year-round effort on their part. They are dedicated individuals who are committed to improving student achievement and to fighting for the best for all of our students,” (superintendent’s last name) said.
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Sample Editorial
In addition to its use as a guest editorial, this article also can form the basis of a column in your community newsletter, a speech, or a letter to the editor. (Based on the sample editorials by the Ohio School Boards Association and the Oregon School Boards Association)
Thank your school board member today
School board members exemplify local citizen control and decision-making in education. They volunteer hundreds of hours and an immeasurable amount of energy to assure that our schools are providing the best education possible for the students of our community. January is School Board Recognition Month and the perfect time to acknowledge their service to our students and our communities, especially during one of the most complicated school years in U.S. history.
School board members are citizens whose decisions affect our students — what they learn, who will teach them and what kinds of facilities house their classrooms. These are individuals elected to establish the policies that provide the framework for our public schools. They represent you, and they take this responsibility seriously by attending lengthy — sometimes challenging — meetings, conferences and forums where they broaden their knowledge about education; during numerous conversations about the schools; and sessions before the Colorado General Assembly. Our school board is one of 178 such boards across the state. These boards enable us to have local control of public schools, meaning that decisions on school programming are made by local, elected representatives who understand the community’s unique problems, values, culture and circumstances. It’s a tradition that began nearly 300 years ago. With the advice and counsel of the educational professionals they hire, our school board has an impact on virtually every aspect of our schools. It’s a huge responsibility and one that should not be taken lightly. Too often we neglect to recognize the dedication and hard work of these board members who represent us.
The staff and students of our school district are asking all local citizens to take a moment to tell a school board member “thanks for caring about our student’s education.” So, hats off to the dedicated individuals who make it possible for local citizens to have a say about education in our communities. We salute the public servants of ___________ School District whose dedication and civic responsibility make local control of public schools in our community possible. We applaud them for their vision and voice to help shape a better tomorrow.
[List names and years of service of board members]
Sample Newsletter Article
This article can be adapted for use in your district newsletter, as an article in your local newspaper, as a letter to the editor, or as the foundation for a speech. Localize it by adding information about your school board members, details of how they will be honored during January, and ways your board has improved education for the students in your district. (Based on the sample newsletter by the Ohio School Boards)
School Boards Make a Difference
School board members are ordinary people who demonstrate extraordinary dedication to our public schools. January marks School Board Recognition Month and is the perfect time we thank our school board members for their untiring efforts.
Too often we forget about the personal sacrifices school board members routinely make. Too often we forget about the important role school board members play in assuring local control over our public schools, control that is in the hands of people we know ... people who are our neighbors. Too often we forget that, in the tradition of a representative democracy, school board members are our connection to influencing how our public schools are governed. Too often we are quick to criticize school board members without really knowing all the details that went into any given decision. Too often the efforts of school board members go unrecognized and unrewarded.
This month we take a moment to recognize the value of their work to our students and our communities. This is a time to show our appreciation and to begin to better understand how school board members work together to provide leadership for our schools.
The school board works closely with parents, education professionals and community members to create the educational vision we want for our students. It then formulates goals, defines results and sets the course for an adequate and equitable educational program for all students. The school board is accountable to the public. It is responsible for assuring the public that the money allocated to the public schools is providing a good return on the investment. Thus, the board oversees regular assessment of the district’s students, staff and programs. The school board also is a strong advocate for public schools and is responsible for communicating the needs of the school district to the public and the public’s expectations to the district.
In January, join with others from throughout our district and state to salute the board members who provide grassroots governance of public schools. Make a special effort to tell each school board member his or her hard work has been noticed and is very much appreciated.
Sample Letter to Community Groups and Service Clubs
The following can be personalized for individual community groups and service clubs on your district letterhead. Localize by adding information about your school board members, details of how they will be honored during January, and examples of ways your board has improved education for the students in your district. (Based on the sample letter by the Ohio School Boards)
Dear _____________________:
I am excited to report that January 2024 is School Board Recognition Month and we are planning a number of activities to honor our (number) school board members. Would (name of group) be interested in joining us? A couple of events we are planning are:
If you are interested, I have some suggestions for things you might do to honor the board of education. You might:
- Sponsor a public service announcement;
- Invite board members to your January meeting to recognize them;
- Feature the board in your January newsletter;
- Sponsor a newspaper advertisement thanking the board for its dedication and service;
- Host a fun event for board members and their families;
- Sponsor an appreciation banner to be hung across a major street or highway;
- Sponsor signs to be distributed to members to display outside their businesses or homes;
- Send each board member a certificate for a free cup of special coffee from a local, popular coffee shop. Accompany it with a note that says, “You deserve a break!”
Please call me at (insert phone number). We can discuss this idea further. Thank you so very much for your support in this much-deserved recognition of our school board.
Sample Public Service Announcements
The best way to succeed with public service announcements (PSAs) is to personally deliver them to someone you know at a radio or television station. Retype on district letterhead with a contact name. If you have public activities planned to recognize your board, you can add that information to the sample PSAs.
Sample Messages for Social Media and School Marquees
Use the following messages of appreciation on school marquees and on social media. (For school marquees, you don’t need to include the hashtag.)
Customize and share SBRM messages and graphics on your social media accounts. Be sure to use the hashtag #SchoolBoardMonth and to encourage your community members to share their appreciation as well. Watch CASB’s Facebook and Twitter accounts for updates. Make sure to like, retweet, and share posts!
Don't forget to include an image with your posting, see Sample Artwork for all image options.
Sample Facebook or Twitter posts
- Our school board provides extraordinary service toward helping students thrive and fulfill their potential. Thank you! #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- During the most complicated school year in history, let's take a moment to say thank you to our school board for their extraordinary service! #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- School boards make a powerful difference in our communities and for our students. #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- School boards: Everyday citizens doing extraordinary work to lead their community’s schools. #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- School boards: Helping students thrive during extraordinary times. #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- School boards: Working for students and their communities. #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- Have you thanked a school board member today for their service and dedication to our students and community? #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- School boards: Leading the way for public education! #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- Thank you school board members for serving our students and for representing the entire community! #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- School boards are the caretakers of public education. Education empowers our youth to realize their aspirations and dreams. Thank a school board member today! #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- School boards are the caretakers of public education. Education provides opportunities: a fair chance to get a decent job, to escape poverty, to support families, and to develop communities. Thank a school board member today! #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
- Colorado has over 900,000 public school students. Their experience in school will determine the future of this amazing state. Thank you, school board members for advocating for our public schools. #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo
Inspiring Quotes for School Board Month
Use the following quotes regarding education on school marquees and on social media.
Customize and share SBRM messages and graphics on your social media accounts. Be sure to use the hashtag #SchoolBoardMonth and to encourage your community members to share their appreciation as well. Watch CASB’s Facebook and Twitter accounts for updates. Make sure to like, retweet, and share posts!
Don't forget to include an image with your posting, see Sample Artwork for all image options.
Inspiring Quotes
- “Education is one thing no one can take away from you.” - Elin Nordegren
- “Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” - Malcolm Forbes
- “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” - John Dewey
- “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela
- “Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another” - G.K. Chesterton
- “When you educate one person you can change a life, when you educate many you can change the world”- Shai Reshef
- “Education is a right, not a privilege; it is an opportunity, not an entitlement.” - Arne Duncan
- “Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.” - B.F. Skinner
- "Education...is a painful, continual and difficult work to be done in kindness, by watching, by warning,... by praise, but above all -- by example." - John Ruskin
- “The first condition of education is being able to put someone to wholesome and meaningful work.”– John Ruskin
- “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” - William Butler Yeats
- “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” – Socrates
- “Education is the ability to meet life’s situations.” - Dr. John G. Hibben
- “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle