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Professional Development UpdateApril 29, 2021What's in this update
Next Board President Cafe is set for May 13Calling all school board presidents: Join CASB member board presidents and past presidents for informal discussions that are single topic driven. The next Cafe is scheduled for Thursday, May 13, and the topic is — How do the responsibilities and role of the board president differ amongst districts? Board presidents preside over board meetings, sign written contracts to which the district may be a party when the contract has been authorized by the board, and sign official reports of the district, but we will delve deeper and allow participants to share at this Cafe. This monthly gathering is to connect, communicate, commiserate, and celebrate with one another. The Cafe meetings are virtual and casual and will not be recorded. Register for May 13NEW CASB Podcast: The Colorado Youth Congress & Student VoiceEpisode 3 - The Colorado Youth Congress & Student Voice (28 min)The Colorado Youth Congress is a program engaging students across the state in two focused priorities all the while building necessary skills for success after graduation. Learn about the program from three students that have been impacted by their involvement in the organization, as well as influenced the organization's DNA. Host: Leslie Bogar, CASB Director of Professional Learning & Events
Upcoming in-person events — mark your calendar!It's time to mark your calendars for the upcoming in-person CASB events for our members. CASB offers school board leaders numerous training, education, and networking opportunities throughout the year to strengthen their governance skills. Fall Regional Meetings CASB hosts meetings in each of its 12 regions annually to enable school board members to network with colleagues and share challenges and success stories with neighboring districts. Board members receive necessary tools to start conversations in their communities and position their board to influence state education policy. (Click here to access dates) Fall Delegate Assembly Conference The Delegate Assembly is the foundation of CASB’s governance structure and provides critical direction to CASB when it represents members’ interests before state and national policymakers. This conference is an opportunity for members and their delegates to learn about issues facing public education in Colorado and to debate and deliberate those issues before the delegates vote on resolutions. Participation by members ensures that CASB understands the interests of all boards of education across the state. The Fall Delegate Assembly Conference will be held in-person in Fort Collins on Oct 22-23, 2021. Annual Convention CASB’s signature event is the largest gathering of school board members in the state and provides a unique opportunity to learn, connect, grow, and gain inspiration. Attendees hear from national speakers, focus on statewide education initiatives and directives, and have a chance to network and share experiences with other education leaders throughout the state. The 81st Annual Convention will be held in-person on Dec 2-4, 2021. Access all CASB eventsCall for resolutions is now openCASB is a membership organization and the strength of CASB depends upon its members, which is especially true when it comes to CASB’s legislative platform. Members are involved in determining the platform and priorities CASB will pursue. The process begins during the annual Fall Delegate Assembly with the adoption of resolutions. Adopted resolutions provide a framework in guiding CASB’s advocacy efforts as well as set the direction for the legislative program for the following year. Each member school board has the opportunity to propose resolutions and appoint and send a delegate to discuss, debate, amend, and vote on resolutions that reflect the current priorities of local boards. Resolutions approved by the Delegate Assembly are important in influencing statewide policy. Call for resolutions — deadline of Aug 30, 2021Districts can apply for ESSER III funds nowColorado school districts can begin applying for their share of the $777 million in American Recovery Plan Act (ESSER III) funds through an online application available. Due to the requirement from the U.S. Department of Education for states to allocate funds within 60 days of receipt, the application (approval & transmittal, assurances, and GEPA statement) must be submitted by Sunday, May 23. Districts will have until March 24, 2022 to submit the budget for ARP ESSER III. Read moreED COVID-19 Handbook: Roadmap to ReopeningVolume 2: Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs is intended to offer initial strategies for providing equitable and adequate educational opportunities that address the impact of COVID-19 on students, educators, and staff, focusing on evidence-based strategies for:
ED COVID-19 Handbook: Roadmap to ReopeningCSFP analysis on potential changes to the School Finance Act
Considering potential conversations that may be happening to change the school finance act, the Colorado School Finance Project (CSFP) looked at the factors in the school finance formula. It found that by making reductions in either the Cost of Living or Size factors, or both, would begin to escalate school districts hitting the base level of funding. Below are links to the analysis, as well as a graphic from Legislative Council which illustrates the impact the Budget Stabilization Factor has on the factors in the formula.
If you have questions, please reach out to Tracie Rainey, CSFP Executive Director. School election seminar will be held on Wednesday, June 16School election seminar (Part I) Register HereSchool elections seminar (Part II) Register HereYou can find other resources established through the Built to Serve campaign to encourage effective and representative school boards that meet the challenges of the diverse districts they represent. The Built to Serve website provides valuable tools, resources, and information to learn more about what a school board member does, how to become a candidate, recruiting candidates, and more!
Built to Serve — School Board Candidate Info