Professional Development Update

April 6, 2021

What's in this update

CASB event survey — we value your input!

It will only take a few minutes to weigh in on our survey and we need to hear from you! As CASB is working to build out professional development to serve your needs for the fall, your feedback is essential for our planning. Your opinions help shape our programming!

Please take a moment to share with us your thoughts for on our Regional Meetings, Fall Conference and Delegate Assembly, and the 81st Annual CASB Convention. 

Take the event survey

NEW CASB Podcast: An Equitable Outcomes Discussion with Bill de la Cruz

Episode 3 - An Equitable Outcomes Discussion with Bill de la Cruz (33 min)

The terms Equity and Equitable Outcomes are not one in the same. Bill de la Cruz, personal transformation guru in the field of foundational bias, shares the meaning behind both terms and how school board members and others can move forward in their goal to provide opportunity, access, and inclusion for their students and staff.

Host: Leslie Bogar, CASB Director of Professional Learning & Events

Listen on Apple Podcast
Listen on Stitcher
Listen on Spotify 

Foundational Bias with Bill de la Cruz — a three-session workshop
April 19, April 29, and May 3 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Foundational bias is about impacting self awareness and understanding while normalizing conversations on bias. The development of bias awareness systems requires people to talk about the issues that create barriers within organizations and communities. This focus provides workshop participants an opportunity to bring to the surface topics and concerns that negatively impact a belonging and inclusive culture.

Workshop participants will have the opportunity to build strategies and skills to transform through conflict. Discussions will center on conflict styles and connect conversations about personal bias to our models for working through conflict.

Workshops will take place on April 19, April 29, and May 5 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. The cost is $100 and includes all three workshops in the series. Learning outcomes will give participants the ability to:

  • Understand and use Organizational Change Theory to develop a belonging and inclusive culture
  • Create strategic outcomes for belonging and inclusion 
Learn more and register

Board President Cafes on April 22 and May 13

Join CASB member board presidents and past presidents for informal discussions that are single topic driven. This monthly gathering is to connect, communicate, commiserate, and celebrate with one another. The Cafe meetings are virtual and casual and will not be recorded. We welcome your ideas for lunch gathering discussion topics.

Board presidents are welcome to sign up below for the upcoming cafes.

  • April 22 topic: Equitable Outcomes: What does opportunity, access, and inclusion look like in your district? How are you experiencing success or challenges in this endeavor?
  • May 13 topic: How do the responsibilities and role of the board president differ amongst districts?
Register for April 22
Register for May 13

It's school board candidate season — resources to help you build a strong governance team

School board elections take place this November and it's the perfect time to make sure you have information to pass along to potential candidates. To support Colorado's boards of education, CASB established the Built to Serve campaign to encourage effective and representative school boards that meet the challenges of the diverse districts they represent.

The website provides valuable tools, resources, and information to learn more about what a school board member does, how to become a candidate, recruiting candidates, and more! 



Built to Serve — School Board Candidate Info

Save the date for the CASB Fall Conference and Delegate Assembly on October 22 and 23

Join your colleagues for a time of networking, learning, and meeting exhibitors that are here to support your district efforts. We'll be convening in the beautiful town of Fort Collins across from the CSU campus. This year's theme is “Resilient, Ready, Relentless for Colorado Students” and the event is designed to build your capacity as a governance team. Additional details will be released in the near future.

The Hilton Fort Collins has special pricing and room availability for October 21 and 22 (two nights).

Learn more

Upcoming CASB meeting with our Colorado Congressional Delegation

Colorado has two senators in the United States Senate and seven representatives in the United States House of Representatives. We are fortunate to have arranged meetings with several of our Colorado Congressional Delegation and/or with their staff. The next meeting happening this week where CASB members are invited to join us is with:

  • Representative Neguse ~ Wednesday, April 7 at 10:30am 

The CASB calendar contains the meeting details and can be accessed through the member login.

CASB calendar (member login-required to see details)

Colorado Virtual Career Fair is April 19-22 

Colorado Virtual Career Fair is open to middle school students through high school graduates. April 19-22, 2021. This is an educational event exposing youth to a broad sampling of career fields through stories shared and journeys traveled.

The Colorado Virtual Career Fair began with a collaborative vision to utilize virtual engagement to foster equity and youth access. Career panels are structured on Colorado's career cluster model and representative of diverse groups of professionals within those careers. With equity as a guiding principle, and leveraging strong industry relationships, the Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education (CACTE) and the Colorado State Youth Council (SYC), along with other key collaborators, have come together to connect youth as a state-wide community in a time when connecting has been a challenge.

Learn more

Build Back Stronger Colorado

How would you build back a stronger Colorado? This statewide listening tour is seeking input and we to make sure to weigh in. 

Colorado and our local governments are expected to receive billions of dollars from the 2021 American Rescue Plan.This provides our state with a unique opportunity to invest in areas that have been hit the hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic and to build back stronger by making economic investments that will benefit Colorado for generations to come.

Where do you think we should be investing?

Learn more