Equity in Education
The CASB Board of Directors affirms in our actions that each student can, will, and shall learn. We recognize that based on factors including but not limited to disability, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status, students are deprived of equitable educational opportunities. Educational equity is the intentional allocation of resources, instruction, and opportunities according to need, requiring that discriminatory practices, prejudices, and beliefs be identified and eradicated.

Source: Educational Equity: What Does It Mean? How Do We Know When We Reach It? (Center for Public Education)
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CASB Resources
CASB Sample Policies
The following CASB sample policies address either educational equity and/or prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry or need for special education services. The CASB Board commits to a continuous review of its policies using an equity lens. We encourage members to share your perspectives with us and welcome input and suggestions at [email protected]
- Policy AC — Nondiscrimination / Equal Opportunity
- Policy AEA — Standards Based Education
- Policy FB — Facilities Planning
- Policy GCI — Professional Staff Development
- Policy IG — Curriculum Development
- Policy GBA — Open Hiring / Equal Employment Opportunities
- Policy GCE / GCF — Professional Staff Recruiting
- Policy GDE / GDF — Support Staff Recruiting
- Policy JB — Equal Educational Opportunities
- Policy JF — Admission and Denial of Admission
- Policy JFABA — Admission and Denial of Admission
- Policy JICDD — Violent and Aggressive Behavior
- Policy JICDE — Bullying Prevention and Education
- Policy JII — Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances
CASB Connections Podcasts:
Episode 2 - Voices of Education in Colorado with Dr. Joyce Brooks In our nation, the story of inequity has many faces and Dr. Joyce Brooks is one of them. Growing up separated and not equal to championing for equity in our education system, Dr. Brooks takes us on her journey and what it means for all groups to come to the table for our students. Interview with: Dr. Joyce Brooks: Great Education Colorado Board Member, NAACP CO Education Chair, CO Industrial Areas Foundation Steering Committee
Episode 4 - Voices of Education in Colorado with Bill de la Cruz
Bill de la Cruz is known for his insight into personal bias, but it is more than insight. Bill shares information for all individuals that want to grow in their cultural awareness and develop skills that enable them to work toward collaborative efforts. Interview with Bill de la Cruz, author and trainer