Conflict Resolution 

Is your team experiencing ongoing conflict? Effective teams learn how to walk through deep divisions and conflict in order to serve their students successfully.

CASB Consultants will facilitate training in the following areas:

  • Assessing if your team is in active conflict or on the brink of conflict
  • Understanding the different forms of conflict and how to move past it respectfully
  • Helping your team to understand each member's communication style
  • Addressing the ongoing issues to develop agreements on moving forward
  • Diving into team discussion on the issues that are creating the problems 

Customize your session by adding the following options:

  • Board Self-Evaluation
  • Effective Board and Superintendent Relationships

For more information

For details and pricing, email us at [email protected] or call 303.832.1000. Find out how our consultants will help your team move ahead quickly. 

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