Know how to reach the public
Goal: You can provide the public, both voters in general and key opinion leaders, with information that encourages them to support your positions.
School District Communications
- Place a discussion of legislative issues or communication with legislators on each board meeting’s agenda so the public is aware.
- Include information on key issues in district publications or special mailings to stakeholders. You do not need to lobby in these publications — just present the facts and the school board’s position.
Public and Personal Communications
- Ask to write a guest column or send a letter to the editor to local newspapers.
- Offer to appear and participate in public affairs radio/TV programs or call-in shows, or contribute to blogs on issues concerning the district and its positions.
- Volunteer to have the superintendent, board president, or legislative liaison speak to community organizations. CASB can help presenters prepare.
- Prepare media releases and provide interviews with news outlets. You can use information from CASB or member alerts to supplement your own materials.
- CASB can provide information and talking points, or come to your community to present on local issues.
Organize a group for district advocacy
- Set up regular meetings and activities for school leaders and community members who want to support public education in your community and statewide. Include representatives of teacher or parent organizations and area administrators, plus other supportive parents and stakeholders.
- Create a school district advocacy team or network of interested parents and stakeholders to communicate concerns about state and federal policy issues.