Know how to contact decision makers
Goal: You and your district will develop specific recommendations and/or official positions on issues that will be decided by others at the local, state and federal levels.
Plan for ongoing communications.
- Make sure you have phone numbers, addresses and email addresses for your state senators and representatives, State Board members and the Governor and members of Congress.
- Ask your elected officials how they prefer to be contacted: by phone, mail or email, and ask the best way to reach them for urgent information before voting.
- Provide your phone, cell phone and email address; sign up for email newsletters; and encourage them to contact you, especially before voting on key education issues.
Determine the best way to contact your elected representatives.
- Phone calls or texts are the fastest means of contact, but you may not get through when officials are in session. Ask for their cell phone number.
- Letters provide written documentation of your positions and facts as a reference, but mailing is the slowest communication.
- Email is fast and provides a record, but may not be opened in time or at all.
- The best solution is a mix of all of them.
For all forms of communication.
- State your position (what you want them to do).
- Support your position (why you want them to do it and why they should support it).
- Offer to provide more information or alternatives, if any.
- Thank them for listening and encourage further communication.
- Use CASB’s agenda planning document.
Contact after action or vote.
- When elected officials vote as you want, thank them personally and publicly.
- When officials do not vote as you want, politely express disappointment and urge reconsideration if the issue comes back.