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2021 November Election InformationStatewide Measures on the 2021 BallotThere are three measures on the 2021 ballot. Of the three measures on the ballot, two propose changes to the state statutes, and one proposes changes to both the state constitution and state statutes. All three measures were placed on the ballot by citizens through the signature-collection process. View the 2021 State Ballot Information BookletProposition #119Prop 119 is a measure on the 2021 election ballot that creates the Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress (LEAP) program to provide financial aid and support to eligible Colorado children to access out-of-school learning and enrichment opportunities, such as tutoring, CTE training, English and foreign language instruction, mental health services, special education support, etc. The measure would increase the marijuana retail sales tax to partially fund the program; other program funding would derive from funds shifted away from existing state funds, including the State Land Trust and General Fund. Prop 119 would also create a new state agency, the Colorado Learning Authority, to oversee the LEAP program and administer funds without any oversight from the State Board of Education or the Colorado Department of Education, and with no stated accountability measures. Prop 119 would divert public money to private out-of-school service providers instead of directing funds to public schools. By increasing the sales tax on marijuana to fund out-of-school learning and enrichment opportunities, it helps to perpetuate the myth that marijuana sales taxes have “solved” Colorado schools’ funding problems. Given the $9.8 billion in the Budget Stabilization Factor that is already owed to public schools and the choices public schools have had to make in light of this debt, full funding of current public education should come before the creation of new programs that would divert public funding from public schools. The CASB Board of Directors voted to oppose Proposition #119 and the CASB Delegates passed a resolution to oppose Prop #119 at the CASB Delegate Assembly on Saturday, October 23,2021. CASB Sample Resolution to Oppose #119 (pdf)CASB Sample Resolution of Oppose #119 (word)Proposition #120Prop 120 is a measure on the 2021 election ballot that would permanently lower the residential assessment rate for multifamily housing properties to 6.5% and the nonresidential assessment rate for lodging properties to 26.4%, starting in 2022. SB21-293, enacted in June 2021, temporarily lowers assessment rates for residential, agricultural, and renewable energy properties for 2022 and 2023, after which the rates return to 2021 levels. Prop 120 would reduce property tax revenue to most local governments, including school districts, and would increase the amount that the state must pay to backfill the lost property tax revenue for schools. Property tax reductions from Prop 120 that are not offset by additional state funding will result in lower school funding for some districts. If it passes, Prop 120 is expected to decrease property tax revenue to local governments statewide by an estimated $45.9 million in 2022 and $50.3 million in 2023, and the state share of school finance is estimated to increase by at least $12.8 million in state budget year 2022-23 and $14.1 million in state budget year 2023-24. Given the $9.8 billion in the Budget Stabilization Factor that is already owed to public schools, this anticipated decrease in property tax revenue will pose additional challenges to school districts. The CASB Delegates passed a resolution to oppose Prop #119 at the CASB Delegate Assembly on Saturday, October 23,2021. CASB Sample Resolution to Oppose #120 (pdf)CASB Sample Resolution of Oppose #120 (word)