Request for Application for the Colorado Academic Accelerator Program opens Dec. 15
The Request for Application for the Colorado Academic Accelerator Program grant opens Friday, Dec. 15 with applications due by Thursday, Feb. 15.
This competitive grant program is designed to create community learning centers that provide opportunities for academic enrichment and support activities during non-school hours, periods when school is not in session, or during extended learning hours, including tutorial services; and offer families opportunities for engagement in their student's education, including opportunities for mathematics literacy and related educational development.
Eligible entities are selected for a grant that runs for a period of three years. CDE will prioritize applicants that:
- Adopt intervention strategies;
- Use evidence-informed programs that build student skills in STEM and mathematics;
- Use digital math accelerator programs;
- Serve high-needs students, as determined by the department;
- Have an established presence and relationship in the community;
- Have demonstrated in the application how the eligible entity will meet the needs of diverse student populations.
For more information or questions, contact Jozette Martinez at [email protected].