Habits – No or Low Cost

For those governing teams out to provide "their best for the kids," no/low cost practices abound:

  • Ensure your stewardship of district resources helps improve ALL leaders, from classroom to boardroom.
  • Invite others to annual work sessions and other strategic leadership gatherings. Invitees might include leaders in the education community, accountability committee members, former board presidents, community leaders and members of other school boards. 
  • Plan monthly crucial-learning sessions (e.g., presentations, videos, articles, blogs, links, books, etc.) aimed at improving the board's work. Among many recommendations: CASB's Leadership Workbook.
  • Conduct effectiveness debriefs quarterly or at the conclusion of regular/strategic meetings.
  • Build a unique, strategic framework for your board’s work that emphasizes a motivating vision, a powerful purpose, important goals, operating norms, and core values.
  • Schedule work-session conversations 60 minutes before the commencement of regular or strategic board meetings.
  • Invite your CASB staff to participate by phone or in person. Schedule CASB support during regular or strategic board meetings throughout the year. Consider including external assets who align to the board’s desires concerning skill sets, principles, content, and emerging challenges.
  • Host a gathering of area governing teams or presidents to share experiences in critical areas such as advocacy, effectiveness, new-member basics, candidates, etc.
  • Request a CASB audit of your board policy manual.
  • Conduct periodic self-assessments. If the team already uses a focusing framework for effective governing, you already have a built-in self-assessment tool. If you have not created such a framework, CASB offers both paper and online tools.
  • Connect with CASB staff regularly for support, ideas and practical advice.

For information on CASB board training, please contact CASB at [email protected].